Radio Mbredets


Music & Audio


MBREDETS RADIO is a very interactive radio. It is the right entertainment facility to accompany your leisure time or during activities. All MBREDETS RADIO programs engage their listeners. Listeners, singers and their favorite broadcasters can interact in various forms of programs such as sending greetings and requesting songs, because the songs requested by listeners are sung directly by singers who are present at the MBREDETS RADIO studio. Listeners can also interact on broadcast topics, polls and hunt for prizes in various interesting quizzes and games.Apart from being entertainment, it is also an alternative media in publishing works and as an empowerment for local communities, especially for indie musicians and singers in the country, from, by, and for the community. "You Sing We Hear".The community uses local media such as RADIO MBREDETS to play a role in exploring the potential for singing and musical talents that are owned by the community in the country. Singers and listeners are more proud and more in love with their people.